Questions about why we need the Autism (Wales) Bill


2.       Yes

2a      Yes

2b      Yes

3        Yes

4.       Yes

4a      Every 5 years

5.       Questionnaire/audit people with autism to find out their opinions as well as people who work with autistic people.


Questions about getting a better way to diagnose Autism

7.       The LA in Pembrokeshire are very good once they are aware of the person, maybe more training for professionals (i.e. Health Visitors and teachers) to spot signs for an earlier diagnosis.


9.       Yes.

Questions about improving the way people get support services

10.     Yes

11.     Yes

12.     Yes.

13.     No


Question about autism training for staff

15.     Many professionals have had some degree of training but this could do with regular refreshers.

16a    Yes

16b    No

Questions about jobs for people with autism

17.     Training and support for employers so that they are not deterred from employing people with Autism (if they feel they will be fully supported they will be more inclined to employ).

Support before and after applying for jobs, i.e. help and advice when applying for the job (filling in the application, looking for jobs, interview techniques) and ongoing support readily available for when they employment has been secured.

Questions about the definition of autism

18.    a. On the Bill

Questions about how much money my Bill may cost


Questions about how my Bill might save money

20.     If more autistic adults can be employed as a result of this Bill then unemployment will be reduced.

Question about other things to think about

21.     No


23.     No.